LAS has joined forces with Neighborhood Scout

LAS has joined forces with Neighborhood Scout to develop and implement a customized market report for each of our appraisals. These market reports will be based on the most recent census tract data and will give our clients a complete and detailed description of the defined market with historical trends in pricing.

The Neighborhood Scout report will include the following information critical in an appraisal:

  • Aerial Map with boundaries outlined
  • Average Home Values/Neighborhood ho9me price ranges
  • Average market rent
  • Neighborhood density
  • Age of homes/Type of homes/Home sizes/ Homeownership rates
  • Neighbor Home value trends going back 10 years and future forecasts
  • Housing affordability index trends and comparisons with other communities.
  • And finally a narrative description of the defined market area.

LAS continues to enhance and improve the residential appraisal process and partnering with Neighborhood Scout for this customized report will give each of our appraisals a more detailed approach to our diligence and analysis of the market areas in which we currently complete residential appraisals.