LAS has a strong reputation of reliability and credibility amongst most of the Realtors and Brokers in their geographic footprint. Many of these Realtors have been introduced to LAS by the Broker Seminars given by Tom Lauritano throughout the years. These appraisal educational seminars help the Realtors understand as to what the expectations and levels of professionalism and knowledge should be expected of any appraisal. The following is a small list of Real Estate firms that we have worked with over the years:

LAS has a reputation of professionalism and strong credibility with many local realtors in our coverage area. These realtors know us through our 30 plus years of working with them not only in purchase transactions but also for private referrals and pre-listing consultations. Our commitment to educating realtors as to the appraisal process via seminars and speaking engagements has broken down the stereotype of appraiser-broker relations and has given the realtors confidence in our residential appraisal process.